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The brick works


Passing several brickworks around the Srimongol area we stopped our car to take a closer look. Striking up a conversation with the headman, pictured here in the center with the trousers. He proudly offered to show us around. Phew!! Amazing and touching.
Look at their clothes, the guy on the left sporting a new shirt Digital Bangladesh - Famous Country, and the headman a G-Star replica.

Toiling under the sun, the brick workers carry out back-breaking and exhausting labour.
Ranging in age from pre-teens to grandparents, they work long hours to churn out millions of bricks to fuel a construction boom. The brickworkers have a target to reach of 3000 bricks a day per person. For this they earn 75 thaka (75 euro cent).
The cities of Bangladesh - one of the world's most densely populated countries - are growing fast, and there's a never-ending need for cheap construction materials.

A short series to put them in the spotlight.