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Regio's en steden



Simple portrait


If you look back at my last post, (five minutes later) you can see him in the front of the crowd looking on. Of course, as the crowd relaxes and realizes that the crazy white lady is maybe not so crazy, the shyness leaves them and a few were willing to have their photos taken. I'll show you a few but promise I will not bore you.

After we arrived home we printed the photos and sent them to our guide, Liton who promised us the next time who took foreigners into that area he would take the photos. Seeing as very shortly after we returned a negative travel advise was issued for Bangladesh and until this day it is not recommended to travel here, I assume this people still do not have their photos.

As soon as its safer, I think we will have to return ourselves and continue our journey through this fascinating, energetic and colourful country.