


Beste reistijd

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Steps in the right direction


A new annex is being built on the mosque in the village. It will be a new school, a madrasa.
A madrasa has become a negative word - a school for the indoctrination of Muslim studies. Here In Bangladesh madrasa just means school, education both religious and secular are given to Muslim and non-Muslims.
The development gives work to the villagers,and although you only see women here, the men are also involved, with the actual construction. Their wages are very small, but as I have shown a few thaka goes a long way in Bangladesh to supplement their family income. The children will be educated and later will be able to earn their own living which will also supplement the family income.
It is a development in the village that was proudly shown to us.
In a recent unicef report Bangladesh is cited as making great steps in education, and as we know educated children is a step towards developing a country.