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Rickshaw Art


Rickshaw Art: Initially, rickshaws were undecorated, but starting in the late forties, the faces of movie stars began appearing as decorative motifs on shields at the back of the rickshaws. Dhaka and Rajshahi were the first cities to create their own design but other cities soon followed. The ribs of the hood are covered with a sheet of fitted plastic appliquéd with cutouts of colored, goid or silver plastic. The aluminum sheeting on the back of the ricksha boasts multiple decorations of various kinds. Favorite themes may be religious or secular, and include mosques, Taj Mahals, popular movie stars, animal fables, farm animals, jungle animals, bird scenes and many others. Each city adopted its own style. These art on moving wheels are done using very bold, bright and raw colors, The blaze of colors also help to make them long lasting.