

Beste reistijd





In de Chellah vlakbij Rabat is een stenen waterbekken met heilige palingen. Op de bodem van de bekkens liggen eierschalen, de offerandes van vrouwen om vruchtbaarheid af te smeken. Eieren zijn ter plaatse te koop.
Ik moest direct denken aan de "Palingsound" en de hoeveelheid katten die er rondliepen bracht mij naar:

- The Cats -

Sure he's a cat, Nobody's gonna argue with that
Sure he's a creamer, A tall walking family dreamer

What have I got to compensate
For a looking at a moment like that
I've got love for you baby
A lovin' like you wouldn't believe
Sure he'll go far, Looking like a movie star
And I understand-a, What makes you want to hold his hand-a
But you gonna find when the kissing's tough
That the boy and girl gonna meet
I've got love for you baby
A lover that you wouldn't believe
He is such a pretty boy
Of some fine mama, pride and joy
But how you noticed the way he was
He wiggles and he giggles when he talks
Oh, yeah, but
Sure he's a cat, Nobody's gonna argue with that
Sure he's a creamer, A tall walking family dreamer
