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This Charming Man


The Hazrat Shah Jalal mosque in Sylhet is one of the most important mosque in Bangladesh. Jalal's name is associated with the Muslim movement into north-eastern Bengal and the spread of Islam in Bangladesh through Sufism According to a tablet inscription found in Amber Khana, he arrived at Sylhet in 1303. I can only imagine how the journey from Turkey where he was born, through Yemen, Persia and India would have been in this time.
This charming man, who spoke very good English showed me some of the important relics at the mosque. I say some because the most important and revered are not accessible to women. He was not a guide, he did not ask for money. He had merely come to the mosque with his family but as a proud moslim wanted to please his guests. His stories were fascinating.
Thanking Morrissey for the title.