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Regio's en steden



The hairdressers


After a few days a washing with cold water and travelling on dusty roads on buses without windows, my hair was stiff with dust. I decided to splash out on a 2 euro visit to the hairdresser. As I pushed open the plastic blinds to enter the shop fell silent. Stares greeted me, I montioned that I wanted to hair washed and smiles appeared, I was directed to the plastic bed where I was to lie with my head over the edge. No sink. The kettle was boiled and warm water was poured over my head and caught in a giant bowl on the floor. Hairwashing over. Did I want it blow-dryed, OK why not. The 'Stylist"set to work and within no time I had a hairstyle to rival Queen Beatrix, :)
While I endured my styling my neighbor opted for a head massage, There was nothing relaxing about this. Oil was pummeled and kneaded into his head, his head shaken from side to side. I think I came out best with my bouffant.