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The Parasol Painter


This cottage industry was established in Pathein over a hundred years ago. The first umbrellas were made of paper, but through experience, the makers later began to produce umbrellas with canopies of cottons and silk.

Step for making the umbrella
The whole product is made by hand.
Installation of raw skeletons
The main body of the umbrella is made of wood, known as Ma U Shwe War wood. The branch arms and the supporting arms are made of bamboo.
The main body and the branches are bound together with the cloth.
Dyeing the cloth
The cloth is then dyed. The cloth is applied with Tayae, juices from natural fruit to maintain the color. When the cloth is dried, oil is applied.
Varnishing and polishing
Next comes the varnishing and polishing, the umbrellas are then kept in the sun to dry.
Finally painting the design. no stencils are used, its free hand.

I have one of the largest parasols in my garden, its beautiful and well worth the fun of getting it home.