Huaraz en de Cordillera Blanca


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Stunning scenery at Parque Nacional Huascaran

Huaraz en de Cordillera Blanca,

If you have a chance to spend time in Peru, try to include Parque Nacional Huascaran in your hiking itinerary. The Park is located in the Cordillera Blanca Range, which is part of the Sierra Central of the Peruvian Andes. The park has a stunning amount of 27 snow-capped peaks all 6,000 m above sea level, of which El Huascarán (6,768 m) is the highest. Every day of my hike I was treated to new views, glacier lakes and all kinds of fantastic vegetation. This image was taken on a cold and rainy late afternoon....I love this image in black and white because it emphasizes the dramatic beauty of this isolated and beautyful mountain range.....