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Soulful Eyes


It was 5 years ago that I first travelled to the north of Rakhine province, to the displaced Chin villages. I had heard about the tatooed women but at first was hesitant to go fearing something like the long-necks in thailand, i.e. a human zoo. But fortunately that was not the case . Tourisits are not permitted in Chin state and not many tourists ventured in this region of Rakhine, so travelling and visiting the village was rewarding in itself, having the opportunity to talk to the older woman (via a translator) and to learn about their customs even moreso.

Five years later, a day-trip to the Chin villages is now described in full in the LP. Maybe meaning well, I saw foreigners passing out anti-biotics and malaria tablets to the villagers, a french girl gave sample perfumes, saying to me, "I hear they have no perfume here"..........I wanted to say, no thats right, or running water, or warm blankets, or ample food, or......but decided not to get into that conversation. Her soulful eyes reflected my feeling, I fear this area will change if or rather when it becomes more accessible to tourism.

"Tread lightly, leave no trace"