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First Class


First class passengers on two days boat journey from Bhamo, (SEE TIP) cruising down the Arrawaddy, beautiful scenery, through narrow gorges, thick jungle to the water’s edge, birds flying alongside, really nice. Our cabin had a small sink to wash, but the water when it came, was from the river and poured out of the taps – brown and full of grit, so washing was no option, but we were travelling in relative luxury, below decks was another story, passengers camped out in between the cargo, families sleeping, eating, living on a small bed sheet for two days, upper deck offered deck chairs. We made a few stops at small towns where the young and old excitedly met the ferry, and vendors clambered on board to sell their ‘delicacies’. Much commotion in the night as we hit a sandbank, the crew jumping on shore to free us with bamboo poles and we were woken up at two in the morning by a vendors selling their wares at a small village stop, who wants to eat curry and rice and two in the morning!!