Tamil Nadu


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Marina beach

Tamil Nadu,

Marina beach on a Sunday afternoon and the last day of the Pongal festival.
Pongal is one of the most popular festivals of South India, mainly Tamil Nadu. The festival is celebrated for four days. On, the first day, Bhogi, the old clothes and materials are thrown away and fired, marking the beginning of a new life. The second day, the Pongal day, is celebrated by boiling fresh milk early in the morning and allowing it to boil over the vessel - a tradition that is the literal translation for Pongal. People also prepare savories and sweets, visit each other's homes, and exchange greetings. The third day, Mattu Pongal, is meant to offer thanks to the cows and buffaloes, as they are used to plough the lands. On the last day, which is a free working day Kanum Pongal, people go out to picnic and celebrate dressed in the best Pongal clothes. Many in Chenai head to the beach and bath in their full dress. It gets very busy and often the police are bought in to control the crowds, and often there are accidents as people become over excited throng into the sea. If you open this picture you see more details including a washed in puppy on the beach that didn't make it through the crowds.