Tamil Nadu


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Clive's house

Tamil Nadu,

On this right of this Trichy street scene you see Clive's house. The once home of Robert Clive, (29 September 1725 – 22 November 1774), also known as Clive of India, Commander-in-Chief of British India, He was a British officer and soldier of fortune who established the military and political supremacy of the East India Company in Bengal. He is credited with securing a large swath of South Asia (Bangladesh, India, Pakistan) and the wealth that followed, for the British crown. In the process he also turned himself into a multi-millionaire. Together with Warren Hastings he was one of the key early figures in the creation of British India, with all his attention focused on one prize, Bengal as it was the richest state in India, richer than Britain, at the time. He also sat as a Tory Member of Parliament in London.
Clive was one of the most controversial figures in all British military history. His achievements included establishing control over much of India, and laying the foundation of the entire British Raj. For that he was vilified by his contemporaries in England, and put on trial before Parliament. Of special concern was that he amassed a personal fortune in India. Modern historians have criticised him for atrocities, for high taxes, and for the forced cultivation of crops which exacerbated famines.
For all this there is a small plaque above the arch of this now school, stating that this was once his home.