Tamil Nadu


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Karna Vedha

Tamil Nadu,

Karna Vedha is the process of piercing both the ears of the child as it is believed to greatly develop good body metabolism. It is also believed to give a spiritual protection to the child. The process is normally carries out in the temple by the Acharya (an ayurvedic practitioner). The child is traditionally made to sit in the lap of the maternal uncle while the ceremony is done. Often a large piece of banana is given for the child to bite into.
On the day of Karna Vedha the child is given new clothes and then an puja is performed before conducting the Karna Vedha and the kalasa water is sprinkled on the child. Mantra verses are chanted before piercing ears for the welfare of the child.
Again we were in the right place at the right time and several Karna Vedha ceremonies were being held that morning.