


Beste reistijd

Regio's en steden



Solar Energy


This is the house in the Garo village were we are staying. The entire courtyard is swept twice a day and the veranda of the house is spotless. Inside of course is very basic, the main possessions of the family are the stainless steel cooking pots in various sizes which sit neatly stacked in the kitchen.
There is no running water of course, Mattresses are rolled out every night to sleep upon and rolled away during the day. They now have electricity for light thanks to the solar cells that sit on the roof.
They have bought this with the help of a local fund and pay back so much per week, no interest. This family is one of the more fortunate they have a small surplus over each week and thus can afford to opt in this scheme. Others families that live on their income from day to day, do not have the small amount over each week to be able to opt in this scheme and continue to live with candles and oil lamps.
A small solar cell such as this cost around 200 euro. Again another occasion where we both sat with our head in our hands thinking - could we help some families. It seems such a small amount to be able to change peoples lives in a small way.