


Beste reistijd

Regio's en steden



Take Two, Action


I saw this man standing just like this at the bus-stand, he stopped looking for customers and was watching my every move.I could see the photo already in my minds eye, framed against the old door with the writing, wonderful I thought. I gestured to him from across the street with my camera, "photo"? He nodded yes, I squatted and composed the photo and then just as I was about to click a bus pulled up between the two of us and I thought the moment had passed, S*@$^& I said to myself. Another man that had been following me around the bus stand curiously watching me and the photos I was taking, knew immediately what had happened - ran over to the bus driver, banged on his window shouted something at him, the bus moved forward, the man gave me a thumbs up, the fruit seller was still in the same position, I squatted again and click. The man, (my director ran back to look at the screen as did the bus driver who had sprung out of his bus). Never before have I had a scene rearranged for a photo Bangladesh is so photogenic.